Anorak launch Dot Magazine

DOT is a brand new magazine by the makers of Anorak Magazine.
Aimed at children under the age of 5, DOT encompasses all aspects of a child’s life, from jumping in puddles to learning through play. It encourages kids to be resourceful and find solutions using all the tools they naturally have at their disposition: imagination, creativity and fun.

DOT is not just the name of the magazine but also the name of its main character who carries in his head all that is needed to solve any problem.
The magazine’s first issue, priced at £5, looks at the theme of shapes and includes stories, games and activities, all written and edited by Cathy Olmedillas and beautifully illustrated by Anorak’s chief designer Anna Dunn. Guest illustrators include Jon Boam, Lauren Humphrey and Andres Lozano.

First launched in 2006, DOT’s big brother Anorak was born out of Cathy Olmedillas’ frustration with the lack of good kids magazines available on the market. Branded the Happy Mag for Kids, Anorak is aimed at children aged 6+ and is sold worldwide on the newsstand, in kids boutiques, museum shops and bookshops.
Talking about the launch of the new magazine, Cathy said “Parents and educators have been asking me for years to produce a quality magazine for a younger audience. And with a market overcrowded with dumbed down, purposeless and poorly designed magazines, I felt this was the right time to launch DOT”

Dot is here to teach, inspire and provide plenty of hours of intelligent fun at the same time

You can buy a copy of the first issue of DOT magazine here.