Featured Artist: Sam Downend

Illustrator Sam Downend lives in Bristol, creaitng bold, colourful imagery for greeting cards, editorials and pattern work. Drawing inspiration from anything and everything, his sketchbooks are key and quickly become full of lively, upbeat and sometimes quirky outcomes, setting no rules to image making and often stumbling upon happy accidents.
For the forthcoming Inkygoodness Beermat Characters exhibition, Sam has produced a collection of artworks called Your Round; using a mix of character design and playful typography.

Firstly I wanted to do more than a pretty face,; I wanted to involve the act of placing your beer on the matt or lifting it to drink again, to either hide or reveal a part of the illustration, reflected in the artworks “Beer Here” and “You Need A Drink”. I also wanted to have a little word play with a beermat conversation – a round beermat talking to a square one, stating ‘your round’ and a pun on the shape of the beermat.

Beermat Characters by Sam Downend, 2013
Sam’s collection of five Beermat Characters; Your Round will be on display at The Coningsby Gallery for the duration of our Beermat Character exhibition, which opens on Monday 29th April and runs until Saturday 4th May.
Further reading
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- Inkygoodness Beermat Characters Exhibition