We Like: Pillow Talk’s charitable cushions

Pillow Talk are on a mission to change the world one cushion at a time.
Pillow Talk design create and sell pillows with purpose. Each collaborative cushion is inspired by – and helps – a specific cause. Not only do a percentage of the profits from the sale of the cushions go to direct to the artist’s chosen charity but the cushion itself aims to inspire conversation about the cause too.

“Ayn-al-husad” designed by Saliah Bryan for Pillow Talk
In their first collection, artist Saliah Bryan has designed a range of cushions intended to raise awareness about the current crisis in Syria. Human Care Syria will receive a portion of money from each sale made. It is also hoped that the cushions themselves will spark conversation about the topic.
“It is a reminder of the positive memories a child should endure, and a dedication to the children of Syria’s spirits, laughter and innocence.”
Not only is the collection charitable but it’s super stylish too. Graphic and playful, the cushions add a splash of colour to any interior whilst opening up meaningful conversation. From expressively showcasing the Arabic language to reinterpreting “The Eye Of Envy”, each cushion looks at the Syrian crisis in a different way.

Our top pick from Pillow Talk’s first collection is “La’aby”
Our top pick from the collection is “La’aby” which means ‘Toy’ or ‘Play’ in Arabic. Filled with a rainbow of colours and energetic shapes, the cushion is intentionally childish. However, whilst outwardly fun, the concept behind the cushion is much more serious. The design is dedicated to children who have lost their parents, siblings or their own lives due to the war. In the artist’s own words, “It is a reminder of the positive memories a child should endure, and a dedication to the children of Syria’s spirits, laughter and innocence.”

Pillow Talk also sell a range on mini cushion key rings
If you don’t have the cash for a full-sized cushion, Pillow Talk also have a range of mini cushion key rings and the option to donate straight to the cause.

“Dunia” design by Saliah Bryan for Pillow Talk

“Arabi” designed by Saliah Bryan for Pillow Talk
Selling homeware which is not only stylish and modern but charitable and conceptual too – Pillow Talk is a rare find. We wish them all the best with this admirable venture!