[Review] Popshot Magazine: The Adventure Issue
Adventure. It’s a deeply affecting word that can awaken something unique in each of us.
It might be the sudden curl of a smile on the lips in sweet anticipation, or a shiver of momentary nervous energy – yet equally it can fill the heart with a lingering sense of longing, and a desperate thirst to escape life’s mundanity through a flash of reckless uncertainty.
As children we are masters of living in the present moment. Take a child engrossed in a pile of Lego bricks and their concept of the future will barely exist. As adults, adventure enables us to get back that feeling.
Popshot magazine’s fifteenth issue captures the essence of adventure perfectly. A considered collection of twenty pieces of new writing, ranging from short stories, flash fiction and poetry, each encapsulates a fresh interpretation of what an ‘adventure’ is and what it can mean. From a girl flying her kite to the experience of the moon, the contrasting perceptions of the adventurer and those that they leave behind, and how we must prepare for the most mysterious adventure of all: death.
Illustrator Thomas Danthony and animator Christopher van Wilson teamed up to bring the Popshot: The Adventure Issue cover to life.
The imaginings of almost every author have been interpreted by a carefully selected and commissioned contemporary illustrator; the diversity and range of writing styles and approaches – each as vibrant and provocative as the next – complimented by visual imagery that feels flawlessly composed and correct, with a true sense of synergy and understanding towards the texts meaning and tone. A testament to the quality not only of the illustrators themselves, but the sensitivity and curation by Popshot’s editorial team.
It’s a publication that feels grounded with an enduringly poetic depth that both inspires and excites in equal measure; every page feels crafted, understood, and sensitive to how the words and images relate to one another, and it this true sense of understanding that makes Popshot one of those rare literary journals that effortlessly ignites the readers imagination.
…it this true sense of understanding that makes Popshot one of those rare literary journals that effortlessly ignites the readers imagination.
It’s simple and elegant format inspires the reader to delve deeper into the work of the talent within its pages, and indeed motivate them to take the time to sit back, reflect, and write for themselves; and in the case of this most recent issue go out into the world, break free of technology, explore and have an adventure!
Popshot Magazine is available to purchase for £6 + p&p.