Popshot Magazine – Issue 17 ‘The Future Issue’

Adam Clarke reviews the 17th edition of Popshot Magazine contemplatively titled ‘The Future Issue’.
Thematically it feels like a fitting continuation from ‘Hope’ issue (16), thoughtfully introduced by editor Jacob Denno. If issue 16 reminded us of the intrinsic relationship between hope and the inherency of change, then ‘future’ feels decisively provocative, given the unsettling nature of the ever-changing and precarious current state of the world we find ourselves in.

Future is as infinite as it is intangible, yet the selected contributions somehow encapsulate an eclectic interpretation of what it can, or might be. A stellar collection of short stories and poetry explore subjects that range from the philosophical, the bleak, the emotional, and more. A Little Plan, written by Katie Byford, and illustrated by Aiste Stancikaite considers the enduringly introspective question we all no doubt periodically ask of ourselves “where would you like to be in five years time”; Watering by Jack Wells is inspired by people who have given their children up for adoption; The Last Word written by Jane Campion Hoye, illustrated by Mitt Roshin, imagines the effects of climate change, and The Motherhood Effect ponders the eerie prospect of Artificial intelligence becoming emotionally aware.
Sometimes it’s important to point to the darkness to remind ourselves to stay in the light.

Popshot manages to nurture a lasting dialogue with those able to articulate something meaningful about a cultural landscape that is unsettling, tumultuous and uncertain.
Once again Popshot positions itself to be one of the finest, most consistent illustrated literary magazines available today. The editorial themes are poignant, the stories selected to fill each issues pages are not only collectively relevant, but culturally needed. ‘The Future Issue’ is one more in the growing library of Popshot editions that continues to not only promote new literary blood, but manages to maintain and nurture a lasting dialogue with those able to articulate something meaningful about a cultural landscape that is unsettling, tumultuous and uncertain.

Popshot Magazine ‘The Future Issue’ (Issue 17) is out now and available to purchase for £6 + p&p from www.popshotmagazine.com.