Exhibition: No Walls presents ‘White Teeth’

Delve into the mind of one of Brighton’s most enamoured young artists, when Jim McElvaney showcases an exciting array of contemporary portraiture at No Walls Gallery, from 27 February – 29 March.
The month-long exhibition – titled ‘White Teeth’ – will include faces taken from the artist’s personal collection of found images, gathered obsessively from photojournalism, film and other popular media sources; plucked from obscurity only to be re-imagined in paint, ink, charcoal and collage by McElvaney.
Such an image-led process promises to create portraits that will not only act as a reminder of the ways in which faces call out to us, but how, within their expressions, we recognise our own. Spectators can also expect to see expressive gestures in all of McElvaney’s paintings, giving each piece a personal depth suffused in character.
Adding to the spectacle of McElvaney’s showing at No Walls, each and every one of his portraits will emerge from the surfaces of found materials – from floorboards and books to cupboard doors and makeshift canvases to wood salvaged from the gallery itself, during its renovation last year.
Smooth thick paint merges into sharply penned shapes, whilst a line of broken crayon gets lost behind a drip of ink, haphazardly creating an intriguing blend of styles and methods that play with traditional representations of physiognomy.
nowallsgallery.com | jimmcelvaney.com
‘White Teeth’ will celebrate its opening night on Friday 27 February, from 6pm – 9pm – RSVP to info@nowallsgallery.com. And, will be open from Wednesday to Saturday from 12pm – 6pm, and on Sundays from 12pm – 4pm thereafter.