Featured Artist: Mariano Pagella / Vasty

Vasty is a design & art direction studio owned and run by Mariano Pagella.
Mariano Pagella focuses on the creation of imagery, visual expressions and identity, combining traditional graphic design with set design and craft compositions.

‘G’ by Mariano Pagella / Vasty for 36 Days of Type
Explain the concept for the Paper Series?
When I was working on the “36 Days of Type” project, I was really excited about this small group of colourful elements so I decided, without being aware of it, to continue working on it, exploring and adding new elements on set. Thus, this new Series emerges, with the objective of being part of a continuable searching for new imaginary worlds.
I was really excited about this small group of colourful elements forming new imaginary worlds.
Where did the inspiration come from for the project?
I think that the main sources of inspiration were the always amazing Memphis and Bauhaus, but I have other inspiration elements based on the industrial and interior design and architecture too. I thought the type compositions could act like an abstract environment that could be part of a big building or a very small land.

‘W’ by Mariano Pagella / Vasty for 36 Days of Type
What were the main challenges involved in producing a letter everyday?
It was a very exciting challenge. Sometimes I found it easier and I could come up with a nice way to resolve the composition of a type but sometimes I had to spend a long time untill I got satisfied with my production. I had to organize myself, devoting some of my free time to trying to make more than one of the letters that I really liked. so then I had time during the following days to continue working on commercial projects. Also it was very stimulating to see such great work done by other people around the world.

Colour Paper Series by Mariano Pagella / Vasty
How do you typically promote your work?
Usually with some social networks, like Instagram, Behance or Ello; but I’d like to find a new, different way.
Do you have a secret creative obsession?
The color and the composition have always been my historically obsessions, but now I´ve discovered a new one: that little inner narrative that you want to tell.
Illustrators toolkit (5 items you can’t live without.)
Sketchbook, pencil, computer, cutter & scissors.

‘L’ by Mariano Pagella / Vasty for 36 Days of Type
Dream project?
Nice question! The first thing I can think of is a project that allows me free creativity and the possibility to explore new techniques, but to make it a really dream project, it has to be requested for a nice cause. I know that it´s not always that easy to fulfil both requirements at the same time..